

Due to the close cooperation with our parent company Rieckermann, we have a unique network of packaging manufacturers. The network of our various manufacturers has a wide range of certificates and qualifications.

But how exactly does our internal certification process with the suppliers work?

On the one hand, we have our own internal quality requirements and checks. Since we accompany the suppliers from the appropriate machine selection to commissioning including ongoing maintenance work and process and product optimization, we know our packaging material manufacturers like no other. Long-standing partnerships between Rieckermann and its Asian customers underline the quality and uniqueness of our relationships.
On the other hand, we have a local presence on the ground to ensure that the standards are met. We have service technicians in the respective countries to ensure quality requirements.
In addition, our manufacturers also carry out their own certification processes, which include international standards.
Our manufacturers are certified by the following standards, among others:

ISO: 9001:2015: A quality management system that pursues the goals of improved internal communication, as well as the promotion of understanding and control of processes

Workplace Condition Assessment: Focuses on the assessment of workplace conditions. Above all, great importance is attached to transparency and workplace conditions and to restructure them in such a way that they comply with industry "best practices".

BRCGS; FSSC 22000; GMP: Quality and management systems that guarantee food safety in processing and in the associated processes. These certificates are mainly used by food packaging companies and manufacturers. The FSSC 22000 is based on the internationally recognized ISO 22000, which most of our manufacturers also have.


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20099 Hamburg
Phone: +49 176 5528 7726
Mail: info@pack-square.com
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